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Kamala Harris' Economic Proposals Aimed at Stoking US Class Warfare

© AFP 2023 / LUDOVIC MARINUS Vice President Kamala Harris gives a speech during the opening ceremony of the "Paris Peace Forum" at The Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris on November 11, 2021.
US Vice President Kamala Harris gives a speech during the opening ceremony of the Paris Peace Forum at The Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris on November 11, 2021. - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.08.2024
The so-called “opportunity economy” Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris claims she will build if she becomes president does not really differ much from “Bidenomics,” says financial and geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo.
“Democrats are looking to rebrand the same agenda they had during both Obama’s two terms and Biden’s one term,” Luongo explains to Sputnik. “It’s all an extension of the original plan, which is to nationalize all the important sectors of the economy – housing, health care, energy, transportation – that the Federal Government didn’t already control, e.g. communication and defense.”
According to him, this strategy essentially amounts to breaking the “private economy,” which involves the displacement of millions of workers and the disruption of supply chains, only to “create new ‘opportunities’ for those most harmed by these policies, the lowest strata of wage earners young people, by giving them handouts.”
“This is classic ‘divide and rule’ politics engaged in by the oligarch class to set the lower class, in their terminology the ‘proletariat,’ against the middle class, the ‘bourgeoisie’,” Luongo notes. “Nothing new here. Typical ‘break your legs and hand you a crutch’ politics.”
Luongo argues that Harris and “her handlers” are perfectly aware of the fact that a law against price gouging will inevitably cause shortages, because “all price floors and price ceilings lead to shortages, never surpluses.”
“In fact, they are counting on creating shortages. It’s part of the strategy in the end to destroy the country they lead. This is not stupidity or incompetence. It is policy,” he says.
US President Joe Biden delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress - Sputnik International, 1920, 14.08.2024
Harris Seeks to Distance Herself From Biden's Unpopularity on Economy - Reports
He also warns that Harris’ target audience is young voters who are “entering a broken workforce and economic landscape today and seeing nothing but a lack of real opportunities.”
“They are hoping for a new round of ‘Obama Youth’ to marshal into an effective fighting force for ‘Hope and Change',” Luongo claims. “What they are doing is purposefully increasing the possibility of full-blown civil war.”
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