Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Zaporozhye, Kursk Nuclear Plants Targets of Criminal Terrorist Acts of Ukraine

Last week, Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev, in a phone conversation with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) cheif Rafael Grossi, drew attention to the deteriorating security situation at the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants due to the reckless actions of the Ukrainian side.
The Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants are targets of criminal terrorist acts of Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik on Friday.

"The Zaporozhye and Kursk power plants are objects of criminal terrorist acts of the Kiev regime," Zakharova said, adding that Kiev, like the Islamic State terrorist group*, "has in its arsenal extensive schemes of terrorist activity — from blowing up civilian infrastructure and killing civilians to nuclear terrorism."

Putin: Ukraine Attempted Overnight Strike on Kursk Nuclear Power Plant
Earlier, the Zaporozhye plant's communications director told Sputnik that the backup high-voltage line of the plant had been disconnected by the Ukrainian side, but the exact reasons were unknown.
"The high-voltage power line 'Ferrosplavnaya-1' was disconnected by the Ukrainian side. Damage is on that side. The exact reasons are unknown," she said.
International Atomic Energy Agency experts have been informed about the situation, the communications director added.
Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom told Sputnik on Friday the Kursk nuclear power plant was operating normally, the radiation situation at the site was normal.
"The station is operating normally. The radiation background is at natural levels," the subsidiary said.
*IS is a terrorist organization banned in Russia.