
West Persists in Media Hysteria Over Alleged Russian Interference in US Elections

The US earlier slapped sanctions on the Rossiya Segodnya media group, which includes RIA Novosti, RT, Sputnik and Ruptly, in what the White House said was a response to Russia’s alleged “malign influence efforts targeting the 2024 US presidential election."
CNN has taken aim at the US-based company Tenet Media which is allegedly funded by “Russian operatives working as part of a Kremlin-orchestrated influence operation to target the 2024 US vote.” The firm is linked to right-wing commentators with millions of subscribers on YouTube and other social media platforms, per CNN.
The broadcaster is echoed by CBS News, which claims that two Russian nationals working for a state-run news network “funneled millions of dollars to an American media company” so that several influencers were able to push narratives in favor of the Kremlin.
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Reuters cites an unnamed senior US intelligence source as saying that Russian media are "using American and other personalities to try to sway US voters into backing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over his Democratic foe, Kamala Harris.”
NPR strikes the same tone with its unverified claims about “Russian operatives” who “covertly hired unwitting right-wing US influencers to create viral videos” in a bid “to spread Kremlin propaganda” ahead of the 2024 US presidential election.
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The Washington Post claims that Russia is allegedly using “authentic US voices” on major social media platforms to “launder” propaganda and divisive narratives aimed at swaying American audiences.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed the allegations as “nonsense”, stressing that Russian authorities “are not interfering”.