
US Steps Up Pressure on Turkiye Over Banking Operations With Russia - Source

ANKARA (Sputnik) - Turkish banks are experiencing increased pressure from the United States over operations with Russia, and regularly receive warnings about the need for strict control over the sources of outcoming payments, an informed source in the Turkish financial market told Sputnik.
Russian Ambassador to Ankara Alexey Erkhov previously told Sputnik that problems in mutual settlements between Russia and Turkiye persisted, with cases of transfers being blocked and accounts being closed, and cases of "squeezing out" companies involved in the transit of goods to Russia becoming more frequent in Turkish banks.
"Our banks, both state and private, are currently under increased pressure from the United States in light of the recent sanctions package against Russia. All sources of transfers from and to Russia are being checked, and bank accounts [for Russian citizens] are being opened under increased control of head offices," the source said when asked to comment on the Russian diplomat's statement.
According to the source, it is not yet known when the situation between bank transfers between the two countries will be normalized.
"It is clear that an official decision is needed here. It has not yet been received by the banks," he said.
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The creation of a mechanism based on national and digital currencies could be a solution to banking difficulties between Russia and Turkey, VTB CEO Andrei Kostin said earlier.