
Le Impeachment

Impeachment proceedings against the French president were initiated in response to the poor handling of the July snap elections results, which saw the leftist coalition win the majority of seats. Rather than appointing a leftist politician to serve as the next session's prime minister, a conservative was chosen.
French President Emmanuel Macron has inched ever closer to receiving his presidential pink slip after the bureau of France's National Assembly managed on Tuesday to clear their first impeachment hurdle.
The validation came after the 22-person body voted 12 to 10 in favor of the draft resolution, thus advancing the legislation to the Law Committee before it can be presented to the assembly for a full vote.
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Under the French Constitution, lawmakers can undertake impeachment proceedings against the president via Article 68, which stipulates the removal in the event the French leader has come in breach of his official duties.
However, as many observers have noted, it's unlikely the legislation will actually force Macron from office as he holds a strong backing from the majority of the assembly.