
Turkish Cypriot Leader Says Will Raise Issue of Cyprus Militarization With Guterres

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar told Sputnik on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York he will discuss with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres the increasing use of Cyprus military bases by the United Kingdom and the United States, particularly during the Gaza conflict.
"What is happening now in the south is concerning me," Tatar stated, adding that Turkey is also concerned by the militarization of Cyprus. "Of course, I will talk to Guterres [about it]."
Tatar said they always talk about demilitarization of the island, however, the complete opposite is now happening in the southern part of the island.
"They are saying that this island should be demilitarized, what about the south, it is being plus-militarized," he said. "The South is becoming more and more involved in all these international affairs, which have nothing to do with Cyprus. And some of these Hamas and the other organizations are saying South Cyprus can become a target because Cyprus is being very much used for these operations, and we are uncomfortable for this thing."
The United States has deployed dozens of military personnel to Cyprus amid concerns about the need to potentially respond to escalating hostilities in the Middle East, CNN reported on Wednesday.
"They say they sent evacuation people, but God knows exactly why they are there. All Cypriots are concerned," Tatar said.
Tatar is scheduled to have a meeting with Guterres tomorrow.
Tatar shared that he will also stress to Guterres that Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides should regard Northern Cyprus as counterpart to a deal with the matters related to natural resources, irregular migration, and electricity.
Turkish Cypriot Leader Sees Growing Risks From Use of Cyprus Bases by UK, US
After the Republic of Cyprus was established in 1960, the UK retained two Sovereign Base Areas in Akrotiri and Dhekelia, leaving them beyond the reach of the republic. Amid Israel's war on Gaza, Cyprus has been facing backlash over the use of military bases by UK and US forces to strike the Houthis.
Cyprus has denied any involvement in the conflict and said that the UK is not formally required to inform it about the use of the military installations. Nicosia instead highlights its role in international efforts to create a sea route for humanitarian aid to Gaza. Cyprus has been de facto divided into Greek and Turkish territories since 1974. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was declared in 1983 with Ankara's backing. It is recognized only by Turkey.