
Russia Warns Estonian-Finnish Plans to Blockade Gulf of Finland Violate Law of Sea

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - If Finland and Estonia seek to impose a total blockade of the Gulf of Finland on Russian shipping, Moscow will view these actions as a violation of international maritime law, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated to Sputnik.
Earlier, media reports indicated that Helsinki and Tallinn were hatching plans to close the Gulf of Finland to Russian ships in response to potential "threats".
"If Finland and Estonia plan to impose a complete blockade of the Gulf of Finland for Russian shipping, Russia will regard such actions as an obvious violation of international maritime laws. Its norms do not contain provisions that allow, even based on some 'threat,' to introduce measures to restrict shipping, much less unilateral measures of a discriminatory nature aimed at a specific state," the ministry said.
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"If we are talking about Finland and Estonia's plans to establish the boundaries of their adjacent zones in the Gulf of Finland, then such a step is their sovereign right. At the same time, such actions, in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of ​​1982, do not provide an opportunity to impede shipping and control it. In general, it is not entirely clear what threats the Finnish and Estonian authorities have in mind, but we proceed from the fact that in this matter they will strictly adhere to the norms of international law," it added.