“In our new national project, we will also pay attention to the development of the technologies based on artificial intelligence. As Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out, the meaning of a breakthrough in this area is enormous. Rivalry between the states is fierce. The countries which have such solutions, get uncontested advantages in digitalization. There are only three such states in the world now,” Mishustin said.
The prime minister added that Russia now has two large language models (LLM). Russia is now creating specialized calculations clusters and is developing AI technologies for their implementation, Mishustin added.
Moreover, there are research centers in Russian universities that conduct studies in AI, according to Mishustin. Russia is building foundation to successfully compete in AI in the future, the prime minister concluded.
The Eurasian Economic Forum is being held in Yerevan from September 30 to October 1. This year’s forum is marked by the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The EAEU member states are represented by the heads of governments.