
Majority of Germans Support Possible Scholz-Putin Phone Call – Poll

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - More than half of Germans would like Chancellor Olaf Scholz to have a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a poll published by YouGov at the request of German news agency DPA on Friday.
The survey showed that 59% of Germans are in favor of holding such a phone conversation, 26% said they were against it and 15% were undecided. At the same time, 68% of residents of the eastern part of Germany supported the idea, while only 19% said they oppose it.
When asked whether Ukraine has to give up Crimea and other territories at potential negotiations with Russia, 39% spoke against it, while 23% believe that Kiev could drop the Crimea and other regions, another 22% said that Crimea alone could be recognized as Russian. Thus, 45% of respondents spoke in favor of Ukraine ceding land.
When asked about allowing Ukraine to strike inside Russian territory with the weapons supplied by the West, 42% of the surveyed said they would support it, while another 43% they would not.
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Putin and Scholz last spoke on the phone in 2022. The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said that the Russian president is open for dialogue with the German chancellor, however there are no contacts with Berlin at the moment.
Earlier this month, German newspaper Die Zeit reported that Scholz is planning to have a phone call with Putin, ahead of the G20 summit in Brazil in November.