Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Denmark Becomes 4th Largest Donor to Kiev Regime - Russian Ambassador

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Denmark has moved up to fourth place among donors to the Kiev regime, ahead of such countries as France and Italy, Russian Ambassador to Denmark Vladimir Barbin said in an interview with Sputnik.
"Denmark is in 4th place among donors to the Kiev regime, ahead of countries such as France and Italy," he said.
According to the head of the diplomatic mission, Denmark participates in most NATO programs and coalitions to provide military assistance to Ukraine, trains Ukrainian military personnel, including training flight and technical personnel on F-16 fighters, and has established close cooperation with Ukraine in the production of drones. In addition to F-16 fighters, Ukraine was also given anti-ship missiles, armored personnel carriers, and artillery systems.
"We have repeatedly stated that Denmark's reckless position was leading to an escalation of the conflict and increasing the risks of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia. However, the Danish side has shown no desire to listen to our warnings," he added.
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Barbin noted that by now, having supplied Kiev with weapons worth $7.5 billion, the Danish military arsenals have been emptied. The ambassador recalled that Copenhagen had begun financing the purchase and production of weapons and ammunition in other countries with their subsequent delivery to Ukraine since 2023.