
Does Israel Really Dictate US Policies in Middle East?

Israeli armored vehicles park along the so-called Alpha Line that separates the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights from Syria, Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024.
This week, a US Department of State delegation visited Syria to hold talks with the head of the country’s new transitional government, a man on whose head the US government previously placed a now-removed $10 million bounty.
The US may be eager to leave Syria after the latter was neutralized as “an important pillar in the Axis of Resistance” and became vulnerable to the Israeli land grab, Middle East observer and analyst Sonia Mansour tells Sputnik.
“Syria now is under the influence of two US allies, Israel and Turkiye. Both Israel and Turkey will ensure that Syria’s foreign policy will conform to the United States’ interests, which are Israel’s interests,” Mansour explains.
Syria’s future both as a country and as a society, along with its territorial integrity, is of no concern to Washington “as long as Israel's goals are fulfilled.”
For it's part, the EU’s goals in Syria align with those of the US, Mansour notes, albeit with one small caveat: Brussels also “hopes to stem the flow of refugees from the region.”
If the Gaza war proved something, it is that the interests of the United States and Israel in the region are now indistinguishable, and whatever interests Israel might have, it decides the means, while the US approves and engages to fulfill Israel’s goals,” says Mansour.
A view of Damascus from Mount Qasioun
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Whereas previously the United States’ goals in West Asia were mostly related to energy, now the US merely wants to ensure Israel’s dominant status in the region.
“Energy no longer dictates US policies in the region, only Israel does,” Mansour says.
“The new Syrian government will not challenge Israel. It will be a weak government, without a real army. It will become a police state that will base its legitimacy on establishing an Islamist society that is market-friendly and Israel-friendly,” she predicts.