The plot aimed against the Lebanese movement Hezbollah involved gadgets that weren’t just booby trapped but were actually developed by Mossad itself.
Booby-trapped pagers: Mossad developed pager-bombs designed to target only their users, causing injury to Hezbollah operatives without harming anyone nearby during detonation.
Deceptive licensing deal: Through shell companies, Mossad tricked Taiwanese pager manufacturer Gold Apollo into a licensing partnership to ensure the devices could be sold to Hezbollah without raising suspicion.
Fake ad campaign: To make the booby-trapped pagers appeared credible, Mossad staged a fake advertising campaign on YouTube, giving the product an air of legitimacy for its unsuspecting buyers.
Non-lethal terror tactic: The operation aimed not to kill Hezbollah members but to instill fear and paranoia within their ranks, mirroring the methods of psychological warfare or even terrorism.