Russia's top porn producer, Sergei Pryanishnikov, has filed a complaint with a St. Petersburg court demanding the return of more than 60,000 adult films made by his studio.
The court seized the adult movies during a search of his studio SPCompany in 2006. The producer sent a request to return the discs in 2009, however, the discs are still being held by the court.
"Our position is clear: as they [movies] are no longer material evidence, they should be returned to us," Alexei Nachinkin, Pryanishnikov's lawyer, said.
Pryanishnikov, 53, dubbed Russia's Larry Flynt, has been producing adult films since 1997. The businessman was a candidate for the St. Petersburg governor in 2003, promising to stage a "sexual revolution" to attract tourists.
Moscow lawmaker Lyudmila Stebenkova said in 2006 that St. Petersburg had become the major pornography hub after Pryanishnikov received a license to produce his movies.
The top porn producer is also suing the Russian Culture Ministry for approving the content of his films but then banning them for "indecent titles." Pryanishnikov dismissed the claims saying the titles were "quite normal" for that category of films.
Pryanishnikov also said his films were not broadcast in cinemas or on TV and were specifically meant for private viewing.
MOSCOW, January 13 (RIA Novosti)