The average monthly salary of Moscow doctors will more than double to 80,000 rubles ($2,850) in five years, the head of the city's health care department said in an interview with Russian daily Izvestia published on Wednesday.
The department will soon publish its new health care development plan for the five years through 2016, Leonid Pechatnikov said.
"As for doctors, their average salary should increase to 80,000 rubles, but it will be more difficult to earn this money than now," he said.
Doctors in Russia remain in the list of top 10 jobs with the lowest salaries, along with nurses, shop assistants, secretaries and street cleaners. As of 2010, the average doctor's salary in Moscow was officially recorded as 35,600 rubles ($1,270) a month, while for Russia in general the figure is half that - about 18,300 rubles ($650).
The Russian authorities have moved to improve the situation and modernize the country's health care system, particularly by introducing a reform stipulating that medical institutions across Russia will no longer be funded directly from the state budget starting from 2013, but will receive money from the state insurance fund.
Under the new system, designed to improve the effectiveness of state medical expenditures, the money will be allocated to Russian hospitals and clinics according to the number of patients they treat.
MOSCOW, June 1 (RIA Novosti)