Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, who has been charged with misusing state funds during her term as prime minister, said on Wednesday she was prepared for tougher restraint measures.
Prosecutors have placed travel restrictions on Tymoshenko, preventing her from leaving Kiev without permission.
"Psychologically I am completely prepared for any action from the authorities," she said outside the Prosecutor General's Office where she was called in again for questioning on Wednesday.
Tymoshenko said she had "never wavered in the face of such ordeals" and would not show any weakness now.
On Monday, the Prosecutor General's Office charged Ukraine's pro-Western former Prime Minister with abuse of power. Tymoshenko is accused of illegally using proceeds from sales of carbon emission quotas under the Kyoto Protocol to pay pensions.
Tymoshenko moved to the opposition after her government was dissolved in March following presidential elections that she narrowly lost to her rival Viktor Yanukovych. The opposition criticizes the "pro-Russian" policies followed by the new government and claims the authorities are trying to undermine their leader.
KIEV, December 22 (RIA Novosti)