The heads of state and government of seven SAARC countries - Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives - will take part in the summit to take place January 4-6.
Some 24,000 policemen, special forces officers and soldiers have been deployed to Islamabad and its surrounding from the whole country. In Margala mountains, at whose foot the capital of Pakistan is situated, batteries of anti-aircraft guns are mounted. Helicopters are constantly barraging over the city.
In accordance with the organization's charter, the leaders of member countries will not discuss any bilateral problems or political questions. The attention will be focused on the discussion of the agreement to create in South Asia a zone of free trade, development of transportation, measures to fight poverty, cooperation in resolving social problems.
The states' leaders also plan to sign an additional protocol on the fight against the financing of terrorist organizations.
It is unknown yet whether the summit will include separate meetings between Indian Premier Vajpayee and Pakistan's leadership - Prime Minister Mir Zafarulla-Khan Jamali and President Pervez Musharraf. New Delhi has not spoken about such meetings yet, despite a significant improvement of relations in recent months between India and Pakistan.