At the same time she said the law making process could have been built with more efficiency for those years.
Sliska said work gets started faster now than before.
The first deputy speaker said she hoped the lower house will keep its work rates. "I'd like to wish the State Duma more efficiency, more thorough work on draft laws, fewer but better in quality bills passed. That's what Russian society is expecting from us," she emphasized.
"For the previous years the State Duma has worked very well," United Russia faction deputy Nikolai Bezborodov, who was deputy chairman of the Third State Duma defense committee.
"Ten years ago the Duma started its work practically in the absence of a legal framework in conditions of Russia's transition to market," the deputy said. "For this period, the legal base of the economy, industry, agriculture has been formed, the civil code and a package of criminal procedure laws have been adopted. Security, defense, culture, education, healthcare - the fundamental legislative acts have been adopted in all these spheres," he said.
At the same time, Bezborodov expressed regret that there's still a number of issues unresolved for the ten years. First of all, it relates to the population's social insecurity.
Besides, in the deputy's opinion, it's necessary to adopt a law "On Natural Rent". In future it's also necessary to define agricultural policy in a more clear way. "For the time being, there's a lack of reasonable, creative policy in agriculture," he said. "The state's security is impossible without food independence," he said.
It's also necessary to build professional well equipped and combat efficient armed forces, he concluded.