This was disclosed by the Russian Agriculture Minister in Berlin, where he takes part in the international East-West forum on the theme Global Trade and opportunities for the enlarged European Union and its neighbors.
According to Gordeyev, stable monthly and quarterly growth of almost all economic indices was registered last year. "On the most indices the growth was much higher in comparison with 2002," the Vice Premier stated.
The GDP and the volume of industrial production increased over the year by 6.6% and 6.7% correspondingly.
According to Gordeyev, the investment activity in the economy has obviously increased. The growth of investments in 2003 increased by 11% against 2.6% in 2002.
"For the first time in recent years the growth of the labor productivity exceeded the growth of the real monthly income," the Vice Premier noted.
In 2004 the tasks concerning the solution of social problems were determined as the priority, Gordeyev said.
"The Government intends to imply maximum efforts in order to fulfill the set strategic tasks - doubling of the GDP over the next decade and decrease of the inflation," the Vice Premier said.