MOSCOW, JANUARY 20 (RIA NOVOSTI) - A detailed schedule will quite soon be coordinated with the client for Russian builders to repair the Inguri hydropower plant dam in Georgia, Sergei Molozhavy announced in Moscow today. He is chief of the Russian-based foreign-economic amalgamation, Technopromexport.
His company made a two-year contract to repair the dam body last November. The Technopromexport will buttress and cement the dam and an underwater tunnel.
The contract does not envisage equipment updating, though it was installed as long ago as 1978, and fixed assets wear-and-tear is at an approximate 60 to 70 per cent. The plant certainly depends on its machinery overhauled and upgraded, if it is to perform reliably, warns Mr. Molozhavy.
Established in 1955, the Technopromexport has built 400 power projects in fifty countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America - thermal, hydro and diesel plants, electric transmission lines, substations and others.