Now, he is coming with a thunderbolt appeal for public accord with the Kremlin.
"We are appealing [to the powers-that-be and to political activists] for a fundamentally based consensus," said Mr. Yavlinsky as he was introducing to the public his book, "Marginal Capitalism".
Russia needs a social contract to confirm the principles and deadlines of political reforms for the next five to ten years, he stressed.
"There are grounds for an understanding that would bring together all constructive political forces in Russia, including the President, the government, political parties represented in parliament, and major public organisations," Yavlinsky emphatically remarks in his book.
As recently as last year, he was dead set against a Social Accord Treaty, which presupposed a pre-election alliance of the acting regime and Russian political forces. In 1994, he refused to sign a document of the same name, which called political parties to join hands. "A Constitution and moral principles suffice," he said to substantiate his point.
A politician who appeared in all election campaigns with harsh liberal criticism of the regime, Grigori Yavlinsky now says:
"It is a hard task to come to a consensus-but I don't think we can avoid it." He chose not to specify details of the tentative alliance for now.