As compared with the previous census, conducted in 1989, the Russian population has decreased by 1.8 million (the number of urban dwellers has decreased by 1.6 million while the rural population has shrunk by 0.2 million).
The ratio between urban and rural dwellers has remained at its 1989 level - 73% to 27%. In 2002, over one-third of the Russian residents was concentrated in this country's thirteen largest cities.
The 2002 census registers the female population's numerical supremacy over the male population (by 10 million), which demographers put down to high premature mortality among Russian men.
The average age of Russia's residents is 37.1, or 4.3 years up the 1989 figure. The number of married couples is 34 million, including 3 million unregistered marriages.
Russia is home to as many as 160 various ethnic groups, with 79.8 percent of the population being ethnic Russian; 3.8 percent, Tartar; 2 percent, Ukrainian; 1.2 percent, Bashkir; 1.1 percent, Chuvash; 0.9 percent, Chechen; 0.8 percent, Armenian; 0.6 percent, Mordovian; 0.6 percent, Belarussian; 0.5 percent, Avar; and 0.5 percent, Kazakh.
The State Statistics Committee points out a considerable decrease in Russia's Jewish population, from 540,000 in 1989 down to 230,000 in 2002. The number of ethnic Germans has also gone down - from 840,000 to 600,000.
With the flow of migrants on the rise, the number of Russian-based Armenians has increased from 530,000 in 1989 up to 1,130,000 in 2002; Azeris, from 340,000 up to 620,000; Tajiks, from 40,000 to 120,000, and Chinese, from 5,000 to 35,000.