According to the source, the USA accused Tehran of violating its assurance in transparency of its nuclear facilities and programs. The accusation came after last week the IAEA international inspectors found plans in Iran to create special separators and other equipment to enrich uranium and produce weapon-graded plutonium that had not been voluntarily submitted for verification, the source said.
The March 8th deadline was chosen not incidentally, he maintains. That day the IAEA Vienna headquarters will host the opening of the IAEA Board of Governors' meeting. Then the Agency's director general Mohamed El Baradei will make reports on the state of nuclear programs in Iran and Libya.
The Board is to analyze the state of nuclear programs and facilities in the two countries and to decide whether these issues should be considered by the UN Security Council, which can introduce sanctions against Tehran or Tripoli if either of them has violated the main clauses of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.