"This is partly due to the creators of novel technologies being disinterested in their use in practice," he said.
"The state finances research and development, business phases it in. A development is as a rule the result of research, not a technical specimen. There is a gap between development and introduction," he explained.
To overcome the gap the Industry Ministry proposes passing state-owned results of research to developers proper and giving the state an opportunity to finance infrastructure facilities, such as foremost technologies centers etc.
"At the initial stage, this spells losses for the budget. Later, they will be recouped many times over, as the world experience shows," Fursenko stressed.
As regards budget and business financing of innovatory developments, Fursenko said that it is 50-50 in Russia now. In industrially advanced countries, budget financing is approximately 30 percent. "Nowhere in the world the state shuns this sort of activities, not only the creation of know-how but its use," he stressed.
According to the acting minister, three leading Russian corporations - RAO United Energy Systems, Gazprom, Russian Railways (RZhD) - invest about half a billion American dollars in research annually, or approximately a third of the sums allocated by the state for the purpose.
The state should itself draw up a strategy in this field, Fursenko stressed.