MOSCOW, MARCH 3 (RIA NOVOSTI) - There are no major differences between Georgia's government and that of Adjaria, but the methods of governing in that autonomy aren't keeping up with the times, Goga Khaindrava, Georgian State Minister for Conflict Settlement, told a Moscow press conference Wednesday. According to him, outdated governance is the reason behind ongoing civil unrest in the republic. The people of Adjaria will give their assessment of the government's performance as they vote in the forthcoming republican polls, set for March 28, the minister said.
Khaindrava believes it an overstatement to say that tensions between the central and the republican authorities are running high. On the other hand, he acknowledged that Georgia's new government had not yet shaped its policies vis-a-vis Adjaria and the other two autonomies, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The Adjarian leader, Aslan Abashidze, is currently in Moscow for talks with Russian government officials, mostly on economic issues, such as energy supplies.