The Russian Information Agency Novosti begins Hotline coverage for Saturday, March 6, 2004.
* A state commission for the city's millennial galas holds session. Alexei Kudrin, acting federal Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, will hold the chair. He is expected back to Moscow the same day.
* Sergei Glazyev is establishing a political party on the basis of the Rodina movement. An inaugural congress is appointed for March 6.
* A national public athletic competition, Sporting Challenge: Skiing in the Moscow Environs 2004, is starting with a gala. The idea of the new race belongs to Boris Gromov, Moscow regional governor.
* A 70th, jubilee Northern Festival is taking start, to last into April 13. Ten towns in the Murmansk Region, Russia's extreme northwest, will host athletic competitions in 19 events. Russian, French, Italian and Scandinavian long-distance skiers have applied to compete.
* An all-Latvia congress of Russian-language school partisans is expected to gather more than 4,000 delegates and guests to blueprint further action to protect Russian as tuition language in Latvia.
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