The customers of this facility are the Iraqi General Company for Energy Projects and the Iraqi Energy Commission. As the Iraqi economy is being rehabilitated, the project, realized under the UN aegis, has been given a priority because it is designed to supply electricity to Kirkuk, situated 300 kilometers from Baghdad.
The bank BNP Pariba (the United States) will finance the project under the United Nations program.
According to the contract, the Power Machines will manufacture and ship before the end of 2005 two gas turbines 160 megawatts each and two turbogenerators.
Dibis is expected to become operational in early 2006.
On the Iraqi energy market the concern will also realize other projects - completion of work on the Yusifia power plant and the al-Adaim hydroelectric power plant.
The Power Machines concern is the leading Russian manufacturer and supplier of equipment for hydraulic, heat, gas and nuclear power plants, for the transmission and distribution of electricity, as well of transport and railway equipment.