The Russian display will be entitled "Noospheric Harmony," to match with the Expo 2005 motto, "Wisdom of Nature," Melnik said. Each participating country is to bring along its ideas and projects for the global community's future development, he explained.
Russia will present a project for sustainable noospheric development, Melnik announced. Speaking of future noospheric technologies, he cited such examples as a house with a closed biotic circulation cycle, education programs to develop all of a person's talents within four or five years' time, and laser-based methods for obtaining and transmitting energies.
"We will be demonstrating Russia's forest resources as a source of oxygen for the entire planet. We will be showing the outer space and the possibility of man's sensible attitude to its use." According to Melnik, one of the Expo 2005 centerpieces will be the remains of a mammoth unearthed in Yakutia, in eastern Siberia. "The Japanese organizers will be building a special pavilion to display this [exhibit]," he said.
Japan has proposed undertaking more excavations in Yakutia this year, to extract those parts of the mammoth that are still underground. "Spokesmen for the Japanese side are now in talks with Yakut authorities and federal [Russian] ministries and departments to set a timeframe and conditions for the excavations. The Japanese have offered to cover all the costs," Melnik reported.