The men have been indicted in compliance with Russia's criminal procedural law. Crimes they are suspected of may bring long imprisonment terms.
Russia has offered Qatar exhaustive information about conditions the men are kept in. Qatari ambassadorial officers visited the detainees in Lefortovo to see their cells and inquire after their health. Functionaries of Russia's FSB investigation board and Ministry of Foreign Affairs accompanied the diplomats during their visit. The Qatari diplomats did not offer any objections to what they saw, said our informant.
A major Russian-based daily recently carried a contribution which alleged that the FSB had passed the detainees to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be exchanged for two Russians detained in Doha. That was not true, stressed the Novosti interviewee. In fact, the author proceeded from unsubstantiated assumptions by a notorious person involved in international terrorism.
The FSB regrets certain Russian journalists are irresponsible about publications that concern personal matters and may have an impact on interstate contacts, said the officer.