To consider as many offers as possible is in Iraqi interests, so all companies, whether based in Arab or European countries, or in Russia, have good prospects to take part as Iraq is raising its economy from the ruins. Projects which US companies have secured for themselves are alone barred to other bidders. Whatever investors have equal chances with the others, and Russia is no exception here, said the minister, who did not specify projects with US participation.
An investment law recently passed in Iraq authorizes overseas capital investment in petroleum and other industries. Iraq is pondering proposals of Russian companies eager to invigorate its economy, and long-lasting bilateral contacts promise them a good chance.
Iraq is getting a safer place with every day, so foreign businessmen are not to be afraid. Things are much better now than even a couple of months ago, reassured Mr. al-Kilani.
As for Russian oil companies' prospects in Iraq, he says the matter is up to the Interim Governing Council or Iraq's new Cabinet.