MOSCOW, March 22, 2004 (RIA Novosti correspondent) - In February 2004, real incomes of the population (apart from compulsory payments and with due account for consumer prices) went up 10.3% as compared to February 2003, and 2.7% as compared to January 2004.
This information has been provided by the federal statistics service's report forwarded to RIA Novosti on Monday.
Economically active population accounted for 72.2 million people, or about 50% of the entire population by late February 2004.
The majority of working people work in large and medium-sized organisations. In January 2004, 39 million people, or 58.7% worked in them.
In late February 2004, 5.9 million, or 8.1%, were classified as unemployed (in line with the methodology of the International Labour Organisation). State job centres registered 1.7 million, including 328,300, of unemployed in the Chechen republic.