These figures have been circulated on Thursday by the independent Public Opinion fund after a nation-wide poll of 1,500 urban and rural dwellers in 100 populated places in 44 regions, territories and republics in every economic-geographic zone of Russia. Polling was done by place-of-residence interviews. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6 percent. Questioning was held on March 20.
Almost every second Russian - 45 percent - shares the idea that the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2002 and in Spain on March 24, 2004 are elements of one large-scale scheming. Thirteen percent of the respondents see no connection.
In the opinion of 20 percent of the polled, the main aim of terrorists is to sow panic and fear, destabilise the world, unleash war between the peoples, provoke chaos.
Six percent confirm the version of terrorists: the terrorist acts in Madrid are revenge for Spain's participation in the anti-Iraqi coalition and the desire to force the Spanish government to withdraw its forces from Iraq.
Three percent believe that terrorists are guided not only by fury and aggression but also the feeling of inferiority and the desire to be self-established, prove their power over others, demonstrate their power.
In the opinion of 2 percent of the polled, terrorists target destruction of the whole world, except the Muslim world, making Islam the dominating force world-wide.
Others are convinced that the acts of terrorism have by right been timed to coincide with the parliamentary elections in Spain. Terrorists were going to either frustrate the elections, or impact their outcome (2 percent). Four percent are sure that terrorists have no goal in mind but are "guided by emotions, giving vent to their malice".
New large-scale acts of terrorism like in Spain are impossible in the near future, said one percent of the respondents. Other believe that they are possible in any region of the world in equal measure (48 percent), 7 percent prophesy them for Europe, 4 percent for Russia and 4 percent for the United States.