"Possible mechanisms of passing forests in private ownership should guarantee reforestation and free access for people into such forests, form a conscientious owner," said the deputy of the lower chamber of the Russian parliament.
"The new wording of the Forest Code should clearly shape the approach of the state to forests as a natural resource," she noted. "About 70 percent of forests should remain in state ownership, minding that there are no guarantees today that the state can manage them." The new wording of the Forest Code intends doing all work in state-held forests under the turnkey contract or by trust (both on the competition basis), she said.
Komarova said that in the new code private ownership of forests is limited to only forest blocks' readiness for sale, or actually there are no legislative limitations on the size of forest block found in private ownership.
As for foreigners intending to by Russian forests as property, their rights will be regulated by a special decree of the Russian president.
Komarova said that the question of forests in need of special protection (including forest reserves) has to be updated.
In addition, a number of clauses concerning the mechanism of passing forests in private ownership, as well as forests in which aboriginal and small ethnic groups reside, remains to be specified.