Vavilov told RIA Novosti that he is ready from his own pocket to pay to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili 600 dollars a month and 300 dollars to each Georgian minister additionally.
A week ago the Fund for Development and Reform, established with Soros participation, fixed for the Georgian top figures, including the president, a wonthly additional pay of 1,500 dollars and for the ministers and the prosecutor general 1,200 dollars each.
Vavilov said that he was inspired by the declaration of the Fund's head that American extra payments are made to protect the Georgian government prom the temptation of graft.
"I have always been fighting against corruption in the state system and I'm convinced that it undermines the economic system of state. This is why I was hated by those using offshore-tax schemes to remove money from the country to be further used for corruption", Vavilov said. Before entering the Federation Council he was a co-owner of the Northern Oil company and then a deputy of the finance minister.
Vavilov stressed that he is as much as Soros, if not more, concerned about the economic situation in Georgia, which is "the closest good neighbour of Russia".
"I have the experience of financing projects jointly with the Soros Foundation and I'm ready to join also this new project as the Russian co-sponsor", senator Vavilov said.