In accordance with Time measurement procedure determined by the government of the Russian Federation for the period from March 28, 2004 till October, 26 2004 the Day-light-saving time is introduced on the territory of the country, reported the Federal Service of technical control and metrology.
The first country to introduce summer time was the Great Britain which did so in 1908. In Russia summer time has been established since 1981. Day-light-saving measures were used in Russia before i.e. from 1917 till 1930. In 1930 when the clocks' arms were moved one hour forward against the time-belt time in accordance with the government decree of June 16, 1930 nobody ordered to move the clocks back. Hence the country lived on the so-called "decree time" for over 50 years.
Nowadays over 100 countries all over the world use summer time including all the European states.
The summer time period starts and finishes simultaneously on the recommendations of the UN European Economic Commission. All the European countries as well as CIS states supported these recommendations.
Advocates of the regular changing of time give various arguments. One is to the effect that the change allows to save electricity. It turns out to be true - thanks to the earlier and well lit evenings Russia saves up to 2.5 bln kilowatts.
As for the medico-biological aspect of the problem everything is not simple. Some experts say that the "inside clocks" of a human being adapt to the time change rather quickly. Their opponents agree with them in the point of great adaptability potential of humans reminding at the same time about its sluggishness, which is specifically true for ill, weak persons.
But all are consent that one more light hour will do no harm in any case. (muz/sm)