"1,010 false calls with the threat of terrorism have been made, or 340 more than in the same period last year", Yuri Ivanov said.
Eighteen "telephone terrorists" have been detained. They are not only children who do not like to go to school but also adults calling "for this or that reason".
Yuri Ivanov said that over three months of this year the Moscow interior department has registered 2,632 calls on the discovery of suspicious objects and some of them provided valuable information for the law-enforcement agencies. "Citizens are more often turning to the police: in the same period last year only 688 such calls arrived", he said.
According to the officer, every day between 20 and 25 calls come to the alert unit and about 1,000 of them are of operative interest, the rest being mostly inquiring.
Over three months of this year, the alert unit has received 1,536,737 calls. "All of them are thoroughly registered", he stressed.
Simultaneously, the prompt exposure of crimes by the Moscow Main Interior Department has somewhat slowed down, Yuri Ivanov admitted. It is due to from 60 to 70 percent of criminal offences in Moscow being committed by persons living elsewhere and leaving Moscow after that, he explained.