League activists Dmitri Hmara and Attila Szellei-Dovzhenko hurled condoms with mayonnaise sauce inside at the world-known charitable tycoon as he was addressing a public forum, Human Rights at Elections, Brotherhood proudly announces on its official web site.
As the league assumes, Mr. Soros has come to Ukraine "to sponsor subversive opposition as it is out for a coup, Georgian-style".
Forum opening was put off for half an hour because of the outrage. Hotel security badly battered the two rioters before the police took them, says the online information.
The men are now in custody at the Pechersky police precinct, and charged on Clause 175 of the Administrative Misdemeanour Code.
Brotherhood again attacked poor Mr. Soros the same day as his motorcade was approaching Teachers' Club, which hosted a roundtable on promoting law and order in Ukraine and pacing up its judicial reform.
"That time, the American had eggs hurled at him. That was how Brotherhood expressed its opinion of the USA and Soros its envoy as they interfere in Ukrainian home affairs to instigate political confrontation," says the web site.
A Right radical organisation, Brotherhood does not think any ruling bodies can change political developments in a country. "The people-in-the-street alone can cope," the league top said in one of its public statements.