Pakistan goes to cooperation with the Agency but we need a more active and comprehensive cooperation, including a permission for inspections and providing the IAEA experts with soil, water and air samples from definite parts of Pakistan to be analysed and compared with the components of laser centrifuges which our inspectors have found in Iraq. They have been brought there through black market channels, IAEA director general Mohamed Elbaradei explained.
But Pakistan is standing firm: it is not a participant in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement and, therefore, is not obliged to allow IAEA inspectors to monitor its facilities.
Pakistan has declared itself a member of the Nuclear Club and refused to let IAEA inspectors into its nuclear facilities to verify consequences of the leak of the nuclear technology, equipment and fissionable materials which have been illegally exported to Iran, Libya, North Korea and, possible, to other countries. Confessions to the effect have been made by Pakistani scientist "father of the Islamic atomic bomb" Abdul Kadyr Khan.