"I congratulate you on Pesach from the bottom of my heart. The festival symbolises our people's liberation from slavery. May God grant us all on this great day the feeling of genuine freedom-freedom from unnecessary limitations, and from concern for our daily bread-so that we might follow the righteous way charted in the holy Torah with carefree heart and mind.
"God granted us life with His sublime miracles not only so that we might live for our own sake but for us to help others. Even when we cannot afford material aid, we must be always ready to offer the help of our knowledge, solidarity and kind word. That matters most," says the rabbinical message.
Celebrated for eight days every year, the Passover commemorates the Exodus. Moses led Jews out of Egypt on the 15th of Nisan (roughly, April 10), the year 2448 from Creation, to put an end to slavery in which the people of Israel had been languishing for longer than 200 years.