In the opinion of Terekbaev, Russia is undergoing deep change. "Consequently, government participation, in the best sense of the phrase, in the promotional process of a balanced society is inevitable," he said.
Terekbaev explained his position by the fact that the delivery of television and radio signals to the remote areas calls for major expenses. "The government is the only one to do this," claims Terekbaev.
He also cited some social and economic reasons, including Russian citizens' prevailingly low incomes, for the government's inevitable presence on the media market.
However, Terekbaev also mentioned the tendency toward the government's self-distancing from impact on its own citizens.
Another participant in the conference, Vadim Goryaev, member of the Profmedia publishing house board of directors, expressed the opinion that some TV and radio companies will be privatized in the near future. This will give a major impetus to the media business, he added.
As to Sergey Litovchenko, executive director of the Russian Managers Association, he declared in favour of the government's withdrawal from the media market, which is to create conditions for an open competitive market.