General Zaher Azimi, official spokesman for the Afghan Defence Ministry, told RIA Novosti by telephone on Monday.
"It is not the first such call by Hekmatiar. What else can he do? He made such calls earlier and even declared jihad. Afghanistan has got used to them", Azimi said.
On Monday the Pakistani daily The News circulated the statement of Hekmatiar, whose supporters are fighting together with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda against foreign presence in Afghanistan.
The ex-premier's message says that the Shiite actions in Iraq are evidence of the unity of adherents of the two branches of Islam (Shiites and Sunnis) in the struggle against foreign aggression and for the liberation of Iraq. Hekmatiar says that a similar "popular uprising" will soon begin in Afghanistan.
In turn, the American forces, forming the basis (12,000 men) of the antiterrorist coalition corps in Afghanistan, are spreading from aircraft leaflets calling for reports on the whereabouts of terrorists.
The leaflets show a Muslim militant with a grenade-launcher. In Dari and Pashtu they call for the civilian population to report to the coalition command any information on the actions and location of the Taliban groups and Al-Qaeda militants, as well as supporters of Hekmatiar, whom the United States has blacklisted as a terrorist.
Attacks on the coalition forces prevent providing humanitarian aid to you (the local population in the border areas), says the leaflet.