The committee head Andrei Kokoshin said to RIA Novosti that the document, although of a framework nature, creates a very important legal basis for coordination of the CIS countries' state organs in opposing terrorism, minding its transboundary nature.
He explained that the treaty targets a higher efficiency of interaction between the secret services and agencies of the Commonwealth in the struggle against terrorism. To Kokoshin, the document intends interaction, without harming the participants' sovereignty and security, in the preparation and realization of antiterrorist measures and operations.
Kokoshin also noted that, in opposing the threat of terrorism, a great role is played, alongside diplomatic talks and contacts between the secret services, by the strengthening of the relative international base. This goal is pursued by this treaty and the draft law, recently approved by the committee, on the ratification of the protocol approving the regulations on joint antiterrorist operations in the Commonwealth countries.