He was addressing hearings on, "Topical Issues of the Anti-Terror Cause Legislative Basis", at the State Duma, parliament's lower house.
"It is hard to distinguish cyberterrorism from information warfare," remarked Mr. Frolov. He highlighted governmental and military control networks as the most vulnerable to that form of terrorism. It is hard to predict what may come of it if those nets are put out of order.
All radical organisations, with token exceptions, have their web sites. International terrorists, Chechen separatists among them, are dynamically using web resources for terror-in particular, to get necessary finance and information, and plan, monitor and control terror acts. The 11/9 tragedy moved the world to counteract those threats. A majority of countries have launched, or are blueprinting government programmes to grant secret services vast rights of information system control, the officer went on.
Russia is facing a cluster of related legal problems. The situation demands new federal laws and bylaws to ward off cyberterrorism. The FSB has by now passed to the Duma draft initiatives to streamline laws against that formidable danger.