Latvia has made a fetish out of its sovereignty and has continuously violated basic human rights, according to Mr. Mironov. The children of even those with Latvian citizenship among Latvia's Russian speakers are not allowed to get education in Russian, emphasised Mr. Mironov.
Enlarging to admit more countries, the European Union is acquiring their territories, as well as people and their problems, including those concerning hundreds of thousands of non-residents who live in Latvia and whose right to get education in their mother tongue are violated.
"I think Europe will have to address this problem, but I hope democratic principles, the principle of respect for human and civil rights will be observed in all the EU countries, including in its future members," said Mr. Mironov.
Latvia has passed a law, under which no more than 40% of school subjects can be taught in Russian in high school. The law stirred up massive protests among the Russian-speaking population and thousands-strong rallies staged by Russian school students.