"As restrictions on the import of Russian steel and grain were lifted yesterday, the quotas will increase," he said.
Nuclear fuel sales on former terms have been agreed to be in effect with the countries which are entering the European Union on May 1 and have been traditional recipients of Russian fuel for nuclear plants: Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. "Agreements with these countries provide for deliveries for the entire period of the operation of these nuclear-powered stations. These long-term agreements remain in force and are now to be submitted for Euroatom examination," noted the source.
The European Union's ten new members will be exempt from the EU rule on diversification of energy-supply sources in accordance with which the European Union countries should buy fuels from different countries in definite quotas.
The European Union will for the time being withstood from introducing restrictions on the flights of Russian "high-noise" planes over the territories of EU member-countries. "The European Union is giving us time to modernise our aircraft pool," said the source.
As to visa cooperation, the flexible regime being now maintained between them and Russia will continue until the new EU members' actual admission into the Schengen zone take place. The simplified regime is not likely to be foiled," assured the source.
When in Moscow, the EU commissars raised the issue of the commencement of talks on comprehensive simplification of the visa regime. "Such an agreement (on visa regime simplification) has been already signed with Germany and is being prepared for signing with Italy and France," said the source.