As Maxim Medvedkov, Russian delegation head at negotiations for Russia to join the World Trade Organisation, made his optimistic forecast, he added:
"It [the prospect] proceeds not from the Parties' political desire but from thorough analyses of the situation." Russia was long negotiating with many WTO member countries on the Kaliningrad transits. "Now, there is every reason to forget all concerns." Transit terms will certainly improve for companies who supply commodities via the Kaliningrad Region.
Kaliningrad transit understandings "rest on international legal premises and make a full account of Russian interests", said Mr. Medvedkov.
The federal government does not intend to abolish meat import quotas with prospects of Russia joining the WTO. The quotas were introduced for a long term-till things get steady in Russian livestock and poultry farming. Now, Russia is producing a decent amount of poultry meat and pork, and slightly more beef is coming to the market.
As for Russian quota distribution among the WTO countries, this year's pattern entirely complies with WTO own standards, reassured Maxim Medvedkov.
He described Russo-Chinese WTO-related negotiations as "quite normal". "We have no reason to say that our Chinese partners are tougher on us than they ought to be, and I hope the talks will be over soon." Import limitations recently introduced by Russia's Customs Service are hitting only underhand dealers. The controversy does not concern the current talks with China. "We don't see whatever problems here," said the negotiator.