Experts from The Hague regularly check the projects down to the last item. There is no leakage.
Russia's conditions for chemical arms storage and destruction ensure full compliance with the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Arms, and allow to dispose of all arsenals by 2012, added Mr. Eremkin.
He flatly rules out even the slightest chance of terrorists ever laying their hands on Russian chemical weapons or poisonous substances, he replied a Novosti reporter.
The conference of convention signatory countries had its 7th session, October 11, 2002, to determine deadlines for Russian chemical arsenal destruction. 20 per cent is to be destroyed by April 29, 2007, 45 per cent April 29, 2009, and the entire stock by April 29, 2012.
Russia had roughly 40,000 tonnes of poisonous agents by the destruction start in 2002.