As was reported in the museum of the ancient city in the north-west of Russia, the experts selected 7 rarities for the exhibition "Russia-Norway: Through Centuries and Borders". Most of them were discovered by Russian scientists during the archaeological dig in Veliki Novgorod in the the 10th to the 12th century layers.
In display in Norway will be a carved oak column found near the settlement of Nerevskoye. It is considered to be the most valuable exhibit.
Besides, there will also be exhibited one of the medieval birchen documents and the icon of the first half of the 19th century.
The preparations for the exhibition "Russia-Norway: Through Centuries and Borders" took more than 3 years. 58 museums, archives and libraries from Russia's regions are supposed to participate in it. A considerable part of exhibits will be provided by the Norwegian museums.
The exhibition will open on June 2 at the National museum of Norway in Oslo to last till October 31.
When back in Russia the exhibits are expected to be displayed at the Ethnographical Museum in Saint-Petersburg.