"The Adzhar problem has not led to bloodshed. We are glad-but we cannot help apprehensions as we expect the situation to echo in Georgia's other parts, South Ossetia among them," he said to Novosti.
"A bandit-ridden area which has to be called to order" were official descriptions of South Ossetia that recently came from Tbilisi on repeated occasions. These alarming allegations are totally ungrounded and hardly can promote South Osset stability, which Georgia and Russia need alike, went on our interviewee.
He had a telephone conference with South Ossetia's President Eduard Kokoyev earlier on the day to debate Adzhar-related issues. The Georgian top may cling to its cliched prejudice against South Ossetia in settling its problems, Mr. Kokoyev remarked with alarm.
The republican president is soon expected to North Ossetia to go on with the discussion, added Teimuraz Mamsurov.