The conferees analysed Afghan debts to Russia in many aspects-in particular, considering Russian contribution to postwar Afghan economic rehabilitation.
As Moscow sees it, the issue ought to be settled by the Paris Club, which insists on a great part of the debts written off.
The two countries' experts will meet in consultations on the matter quite soon-within several months, as today's negotiators agreed.
Alexei Kudrin, Russia's Finance Minister, roughly evaluates the total Afghan debt to Russia at US$10.5 billion. Russia is willing to write off its 80 per cent, he said on a previous occasion.
Russia expects debt settlement to boost up bilateral contacts. Moscow is willing to enter constructive negotiations on the issue, and to write off the debt, the Foreign Ministry said more than once.
Moscow's stances on the issue have every support of Kabul, Dr. Abdullah said, in his turn, as he was answering journalists' questions. He also confirmed Afghan determination to open related negotiations as soon as possible.
Russian anti-drug experts will attend a related international conference in Kabul, June, announced Sergei Lavrov. Drug efforts were duly prominent on today's bilateral agenda, he added.
The conference of next month will discuss how to put an end to rampant Afghan drug traffic, which is one of the worst global problems, let alone regional. Afghanistan is among the world's leading drug producers. It accounts for up to 90 per cent of the global opiate output, say experts.
They forecast drug offers skyrocketing. Opium poppy plantations have exceeded 100,000 hectares, as against a total 86,000 last year. Drugs are smuggled out of Afghanistan to an annual $30 billion, say rough estimations.
Messrs. Lavrov and Abdullah also debated international issues, in particular, Iraqi settlement.
There is no hope to arrive at a consensus unless all involved sides take part in the efforts, the opposition included. Countries neighbouring on Iraq and UN Security Council member states are also to join in. The consensus must emerge in the settlement process, considering extremely complicated developments in Iraq, said Sergei Lavrov.
As he sees it, a conference or a roundtable with all above-mentioned Parties represented is the best possible pattern. If an Iraqi provisional government is formed proceeding from the desired consensus, both Iraqis and the whole world will regard that government as legitimate and viable, he added.
"We are discussing the issue with all interested Parties, and we hope the debates will be fruitful."