"Displayed there will be new passenger, cargo, private and sports planes and helicopters and also military aircraft. Big attention will be devoted to new space technologies, specifically to satellites of various purposes," a spokesman of the Russian delegation of aerospace experts said.
"ILA is one of most representative aerospace shows in the world and is regarded as one of the most important events of the year in this sphere on the European continent," noted a spokesman for Rosoboronexport, the main state intermediary company promoting Russian military hardware abroad.
According to him, Rosoboronexport's display at the ILA-2004 show is arranged so that it would meet the requirements of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe for modernizing their arms and military equipment made in the USSR and subsequently in the Russian Federation.
During the time that passed since the previous aerospace show, the expert said, Russia has increased its share on the world weapons market. "In 2003 the share of Rosoboronexport in Russia's total export of arms and military equipment exceeded 90% and reached a record sum of $5.1 billion. At the same time "aviation equipment and space services now amount to about 70% of our company's exports," he told RIA Novosti.
Rosoboronexport displays a wide range of Russian aircraft and arms, and also double-purpose and civilian aircraft, the expert stressed.
According to him, Rosoboronexport and the German partners will offer several variants of modernizing the MiG-29 aircraft in keeping with NATO unification requirements.
We are confident that the decade of Russian-German cooperation in joint updating of the MiG-29 aircraft will allow not only to preserve these flying machines in the air forces of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, but also to make considerable progress in cooperation in developing absolutely new arms and military equipment," the Rosoboronexport spokesman said.
He emphasized the fact that, of late, cooperation between Russian aircraft-building facilities and their counterparts in other European countries, including Great Britain and France, has increased.
"Over the past decade the leaderships of the countries in the region have arrived at the conclusion that it is in their own interests to go along the road of modernization with the help of Russian manufacturers, all the more so, since Russian and Soviet weapons systems are perfectly modernizable," the Rosoboronexport spokesman said.
According to him, the programs for tenders offered by Rosoboronexport appear to be among the favorites not only in the price/quality category, where Russia is traditionally strong. "Our offset proposals and programs of technology and license transfer are recognized as competitive ever more often," he said.